Our English Language requirements are listed as IELTS scores but we will also accept English in the following school leaving qualifications.

If you obtained the qualification outside the validity period it may still be possible to accept you if you have undertaken further study or worked in the medium of English since taking the test. See below for further details.

Qualification Grade required validity period
Austria: Matura/Reifeprüfung Grade 2 in written and oral sections 10 years
Belgium: Secondary Diploma 80% 10 years
Czech Republic: Maturita 2 10 Years
Denmark: Studentereksamen 7 10 years
Estonia: Riigieksamitunnistus (State Examination) 70% 10 years
Finland: Ylioppilastutkintotdistus/Studentexamens Betyg English A 5 10 years
France: French Baccalaureate - English 13 10 years
France: Baccalaureate l'Option Internationale - English 12 10 years
Germany: Abitur 10 10 years
Hungary: School Leaving exam (Érettségi bizonyítvány / Matura English test) 4 10 years
Latvia: Atestats 8 10 years
Lithuania: Brandos Atestatas 70% 10 years
Malta: Second Education Certificate C 10 years
Netherlands: Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs 7 10 years
Norway: VVO  4 10 years
Poland: Matura English Extended examination 70% 10 years
Romania: Diploma du Bacalaureat B2 10 years
Slovakia: Vysedcenie o Maturitnej Skuse English 2 10 years
Sweden: Fullständig Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskolan 12 10 years
Switzerland: Maturitatzeugnis Certificat de Maturité Attestato de Maturità 5 10 years